Guide to OTC Medications in Japan
While traveling in Japan, you might get sick because of the food, the weather, or just because you're in a new place. Some people bring their usual medicines, while others might prefer keeping their luggage light and buying medicines in Japan if needed.
In this blog, I'll introduce some over-the-counter medicines you can get at Japanese drugstores for different symptoms. Hope this blog post will be helpful in case you feel unwell while traveling!
Please note that I'm not a pharmacist. This information is about over-the-counter medicines that I usually buy at drugstores and is based on my personal experience.
If you have a serious health condition, don't hesitate to seek medical attention. If you need an ambulance, dial 119 (speak slowly and clearly in English). Also, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government provides a hospital information service in foreign languages. Call +81 3-5285-8181 for information on hospitals where you can receive medical attention in your language.
Cold Medicine 風邪薬 (Kaze-gusuri)
パブロンゴールドA (Pabron Gold A)
Pabron Gold A is a popular cold medicine that helps relieve symptoms such as fever, sore throat, runny nose, and cough.
エスタックNeo EX (S-tac Neo EX)
S-tac Neo EX is designed to address a variety of cold symptoms, including fever, nasal congestion, sore throat, and cough.
パブロンキッズかぜシロップ (Pabron Kids Cold Syrup)
Pabron Kids Cold Syrup is a cold remedy for children from 3 months old. Strawberry-flavored syrup to relieve various symptoms of cold (cough, runny nose, fever, sore throat, sneezing, phlegm, stuffy nose, chills (sweltering due to fever), headache, joint pain, and muscle pain.
Sore Throat 喉の痛み (Nodo no Itami)
龍角散ダイレクト (Ryukakusan Direct)
Ryukakusan Direct is a popular powder-type medicine that dissolves in your mouth, providing relief for sore throats. It’s known for its herbal ingredients. Peach flavor in the pink box is my favorite.
ペラックT錠 (Pelack T Tablets)
Pelack T Tablets are effective for treating throat pain and inflammation. These are easy to take and help reduce discomfort quickly.
Pain Relievers and Fever Reducers 鎮痛剤、解熱剤 (Chintsū-zai, Genetsu-zai)
イブA錠 (Eve A Tablets)
Eve A Tablets are equivalent to Advil in the U.S. and widely used for relieving pain such as headaches, menstrual cramps, and muscle aches. They also help reduce fever.
バファリンA (Bufferin A)
Bufferin A is a gentle pain reliever that is easy on the stomach. It’s effective for mild to moderate pain and fever.
タイレノール (Tylenol)
Tylenol is also available in Japan. The active ingredient is the same as Tylenol A sold in the U.S., but contains less.
小児用バファリン (Kids Bufferin)
Kids Bufferin is a pain reliever and fever reducer containing acetaminophen as the main ingredient, suitable for children aged 3 and above. The pill is smaller than regular Bufferin and has a fruity flavor so that kids can swallow easily.
Stomach Medicine 胃薬 (I-gusuri)
太田胃散 (Ohta Isan)
Ohta Isan is a medicine that helps with digestion and relieves symptoms of stomach discomfort, including bloating and indigestion.
第一三共胃腸薬 ( Daiichi-Sankyo Ichoyaku)
Daiichi-Sankyo Ichoyaku is effective for treating a range of stomach issues such as heartburn, nausea, and indigestion.
Anti-Diarrheal and Digestive Medicines 下痢止め、整腸剤 (Geri-dome, Seichō-zai)
ストッパ下痢止めEX (Stoppa Anti-Diarrheal EX)
Stoppa Anti-Diarrheal EX is a quick-acting medicine for stopping diarrhea. It’s useful for traveler's diarrhea and sudden onset diarrhea.
正露丸糖衣A (Seirogan Toi A)
Seirogan Toi A (sugar coated) is a well-known anti-diarrheal medication in Japan. It’s effective for treating acute diarrhea and also has antiseptic properties. Regular Seirogan has a strong smell, so I always buy the sugar-coated one. There is also a capsule version of Seirogan called “Seirogan Quick C”.
新ビオフェルミンS (Shin Biofermin S)
Shin Biofermin S is another probiotic option that helps with digestive issues and supports intestinal health. It’s good for both diarrhea and constipation.
Allergy and Hay Fever Medicine 花粉症、アレルギー薬 (Kafunshō, Arerugī-yaku)
アレグラFX (Allegra FX)
Allegra FX is a popular antihistamine used to relieve symptoms of hay fever and other allergies, such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. It’s non-drowsy and effective for daily use.
アレジオン20 (Alesion 20)
Alesion is also a non-drowsy antihistamine medicine, effective for relieving nasal congestion, sneezing, and runny nose.
Nasal Sprays 点鼻薬 (Tenbi-yaku)
ナザールスプレー (Nazal Spray)
Nazal Spray is effective for relieving nasal congestion due to allergies or colds. It works quickly to clear nasal passages and improve breathing.
Insect Bite Treatments 虫刺され (Mushi-sasare)
ムヒ (Muhi)
Muhi is a popular brand for treating insect bites. It comes in various forms, such as creams, gels, and sticks. Muhi helps relieve itching, swelling, and redness.
ウナコーワクールα (Unacowa Cool α)
Unacowa Cool is another effective treatment for insect bites. It comes in different forms, including creams and sprays, and helps soothe itching and discomfort.
Eye Drops 目薬 (Megusuri)
アルガード (Alguard)
Alguard eye drops contain ingredients that help moisturize and soothe itchy eyes.
NewマイティアCL (mytear CL)
New Mytear CL eye drops can be used with or without contacts to moisturize dry eyes. Some products have a cool sensation with menthol, and the level of coolness is listed in numbers on the bottom.
Other non-medicinal products that I usually buy:
ハナノア (Hananoa Nasal Rinse Kit)
I always try to rinse my nose when I feel a cold coming on. Hananoa comes in a ready-to-use rinse solution, so there's no need to mix it with water, making it very convenient to use.
メンソレータムリップバーム (Mentholatum Lip Balms from Rohto)
I have been using Mentholatum lip balms from Rohto for many years. It has the mentholated, minty sensation, and it moisturizes well. Repair ONE series contain SPF25 and are highly recommended.
ユースキンハンドクリーム (Yuskin Brand Hand Cream)
If you're looking for a hand cream to help heal chapped hands, I'd highly recommend this brand. It has a slightly heavy texture, but it works really well and makes your hands soft and smooth.
When I feel I’m not getting enough vitamin C, I buy these drinks. It’s good when you’re feeling weak or you have skin problems, and it tastes good like strong lemonade.
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